
FFPE Blocks

Tissue Samples

Human Biospecimens

Human Tissue Samples in Arkansas

In Arkansas, iBioSpecimen offers a straightforward and efficient process for obtaining human tissue samples. Whether you require fully consented FFPE blocks with distinct variant profiles, archived samples, or prospectively collected diseased tissue with matched quad sets gathered over the years, we are adept at managing the procurement process to ensure prompt delivery of your biospecimens.

Our access to comprehensive digital medical records allows us to select and annotate specimens with molecular and genetic characterizations, treatment data, results data, and other relevant patient and specimen information. Just let us know your specific tissue sample needs, and we’ll leverage our global network of biospecimen providers to fulfill your requirements.

What biofluids do you need for your research? Let us know how we can help.
human tissue samples

Fresh Tissue

Obtain clean strong tissue from sufferers with clinical situations together with all forms of cancers and benign situations. Our innovative on line Marketplace connects researchers to a variety of remnant human tissue samples.

  • Prospectively gather samples with particular genomic profiles
  • Get samples accrued beneath neath non-general protocols
  • Receive longitudinal or follow-up information related to your biospecimens
  • Get samples matching ailment stage, histology, and laboratory check results

Frozen Tissue

Having a dependable opportunity to source sparkling tissue, one which intently mimics receiving sparkling surgical tissue, however with brought flexibility and on-the-spot availability, can assist hold your studies initiatives on track. ibiospecimen have to get admission to a huge stock of snap-frozen tissue for genomic tissue studies in addition to viably cryopreserved tissue (to be had inside a two-week lead time).

  • A suitable substitute for sparkling tissue upon thaw; a flexible variety of applications 
  • Viable frozen keeps tissue heterogeneity (incorporates most cancers stem cells and TILs).
  • Get frozen cancerous tissue with adjoining tissue and paired biofluids

FFPE Tissue

Access an intensive worldwide community of FFPE human tissue from scientific remnants, banked, or potential collections. We assist to supply samples that replicate the affected person range that today’s scientific studies require.

  • Deep datasets such as pathology reports, series year/country, and consent status
  • Samples from diseased and wholesome ordinary donors 
  • Custom collections, simply say the word! 
  • Archived, waiver-of-consent blocks for reliable, cost-powerful option

Matched Sets

Compare ordinary biology towards the regular with matched tissue and biofluid units, in addition to longitudinal collections from identical patients. Our matched units can move past pairs to encompass quad units making your comparisons extra meaningful.

Choose a combination of:

  • Human whole blood for DNA analysis
  • Frozen fresh human tissue for histology
  • Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) for cultivating cell lines
  • Archived formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks for staining and IHC


Tissue Microarrays (TMA)

Access a worldwide repository of Tissue Microarray samples from diseased and wholesome patients. ibiospecimen massive worldwide community presents get admission to outstanding TMAs from loads of companies and repositories across the world, offering pattern and affected person variety that precision medicinal drug requires.

  • Conserve precious tissue resources
  • Increase throughput of sample analysis
  • Reduce reagent consumption

Stool Samples

Collect feces samples that have been frozen or kept fresh using a variety of preservatives from around the world. Investigate the differences between the microbiomes of healthy and sick tissue, IBD phases, parasite phenotypes, and other cohorts.

Cerebrospinal Fluid

You can access a variety of patient demographics and geographical areas by using cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from all around the world. Obtain samples that have been frozen or taken prospectively at particular times, such as at baseline and after a procedure or therapy.


Even though saliva is regarded as one of the most readily available and accessible samples, procuring it for populations that are difficult to access can be challenging. We can get tests as indicated by your patient particulars and exact conventions for test assortment, taking care of, and transport.


For a wide range of respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, healthy donors, and other conditions, obtain sputum samples that meet your quality metrics, collection protocols, and donor requirements. We'll deal with the obtaining and the agreements, permitting you to zero in on your examination.

Finding the Right Human Tissue Samples for Your Research

ibiospecimen Marketplace is a fast, compliant, revolutionary one-stop access to millions of human biofluids and patients from a diverse network of providers

What human tissue samples are available from Arkansas?

When it comes to diagnostic purposes and blood tests, it is essential to have access to a wide range of human tissue samples. In Arkansas, various human tissue samples are available for medical testing and diagnosis. These samples play a crucial role in helping healthcare professionals identify and understand various diseases and conditions. Here are some of the human tissue samples available in Arkansas:

1. Blood Samples: Blood tests are one of the most common diagnostic tests used to assess overall health and detect a wide range of conditions. Blood samples can provide information about blood cell count, cholesterol levels, liver function, kidney function, and much more.

2. Urine Samples: Urine tests are valuable in assessing kidney function, detecting urinary tract infections, and identifying other conditions such as diabetes and liver diseases. Urine samples can provide insights into the body’s overall health and help in diagnosing various diseases.

3. Tissue Biopsies: Tissue biopsies involve the collection of small samples of tissue from specific areas of the body. These samples are then analyzed under a microscope to identify abnormal cells or tissues. Biopsies can be performed on various organs, including the skin, breast, prostate, liver, and lungs, among others.

4. Cervical Samples: Cervical samples, also known as Pap smears, are commonly performed to screen for cervical cancer and detect any abnormal changes in the cervix. Regular cervical screening is crucial for early detection and intervention.

5. Bone Marrow Aspirates: Bone marrow aspirates are samples of the soft tissue inside the bones, where blood cells are produced. These samples are often taken from the hip bone and can provide valuable information about blood disorders, such as leukemia and lymphoma, as well as certain infections and genetic conditions.

6. Swab Samples: Swab samples involve using a cotton swab to collect samples from various areas of the body, such as the throat, nose, or vagina. These samples can be used to test for infections, including sexually transmitted infections, respiratory infections, and bacterial infections.

7. Saliva Samples: Saliva samples are becoming increasingly popular for diagnostic purposes. These samples can provide information about hormone levels, genetic markers, and certain diseases, such as oral diseases and infections.

8. Skin Samples: Skin samples, also known as skin biopsies, involve the removal of a small piece of skin for examination under a microscope. These samples are used to diagnose skin conditions, such as skin cancer, infections, autoimmune diseases, and allergies.

It is important to consult with a healthcare professional or a diagnostic laboratory in Arkansas to determine which human tissue samples are appropriate for your specific medical needs. They can guide you on the appropriate tests to undergo and provide further information on the availability of human tissue samples for diagnostic purposes.

How can I acquire human tissue samples from Arkansas?

If you are looking to acquire human tissue samples from Arkansas, there are several options available to you. Here are some ways you can go about obtaining human tissue samples:

1. Contact local hospitals and medical facilities: Reach out to hospitals, research institutions, and medical centers in Arkansas and inquire about their tissue sample collection programs or biobanks. These entities often have established protocols for collecting and storing human tissue samples for research purposes. They may have specific requirements or processes in place for acquiring samples, so be prepared to provide information about your research goals and intentions.

2. Collaborate with research universities: Arkansas is home to several research universities with active biomedical research programs. Contact the relevant departments or research centers within these universities and express your interest in acquiring human tissue samples. Researchers and faculty members may be willing to collaborate or provide guidance on how to obtain human tissue samples ethically and legally.

3. Engage with local doctors and pathologists: Reach out to local doctors or pathologists who may have access to patient human tissue samples. While patient privacy and consent will need to be respected, they may be able to connect you with appropriate channels for acquiring human tissue samples. It is essential to ensure that all necessary ethical and legal considerations are followed during this process.

4. Network with relevant organizations and associations: Joining and participating in organizations or associations related to your specific area of research can provide valuable networking opportunities. Attend conferences, seminars, or workshops where you can connect with professionals and researchers who may be able to assist you in acquiring human tissue samples.

Are there any necessary legal documents required to obtain human tissue samples from Arkansas?

If you are looking to obtain human tissue samples from Arkansas, there are certain legal documents that are typically required to ensure compliance with regulations. These documents may vary depending on the specific purpose and nature of your tissue sample collection. Here are some common legal documents you may need:

1. Informed Consent: In most cases, obtaining informed consent from the individuals whose tissues are being collected is crucial. This document ensures that the person understands the purpose, risks, and benefits of the tissue collection and voluntarily agrees to participate.

2. Institutional Review Board (IRB) Approval: If your tissue collection involves human subjects, you may need to seek approval from an IRB. The IRB evaluates the ethical aspects of the study, including participant protections and the scientific validity of the research.

3. Material Transfer Agreement (MTA): If you are obtaining human tissue samples from another institution or organization, you may need an MTA. This legally binding document specifies the terms of transfer, including ownership, permitted use, and any restrictions on the samples.

4. Research Protocol: A detailed research protocol outlining the objectives, methods, and procedures of your tissue collection may be necessary. This document helps ensure that your study is conducted ethically and according to established guidelines.

5. Permits and Licenses: Depending on the nature of your research, you may need to obtain permits or licenses from relevant authorities. For example, if you are handling infectious or hazardous materials, you may need permits from environmental or health agencies.

6. Compliance with Ethics and Privacy Laws: It is important to ensure that your tissue collection is conducted in accordance with ethical guidelines and privacy laws. Familiarize yourself with the relevant regulations and ensure that your collection process and data management practices are compliant.

It is important to note that the specific legal documents required may vary depending on the nature of your research and the policies of the institutions involved. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals or ethics committees to determine the exact requirements for obtaining human tissue samples in Arkansas.

In conclusion, obtaining human tissue samples for research purposes in Arkansas may require certain legal documents to ensure compliance with regulations and ethical guidelines. These documents may include informed consent, IRB approval, material transfer agreements, research protocols, permits, and licenses. It is important to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements and seek appropriate guidance to ensure that your tissue collection process is conducted in a lawful and ethical manner.

What types of human tissue samples are used in medical research?

In medical research, various types of human tissue samples are utilized to gain insights into diseases, study their progression, and develop effective treatments. These human tissue samples offer valuable information about the molecular and cellular changes that occur in different conditions. Here are some commonly used human tissue samples in medical research:

1. Blood Samples: Blood is a readily accessible tissue sample, often collected through a simple blood draw. It provides valuable information about a person’s overall health, including blood cell counts, presence of infections, hormone levels, and genetic markers.

2. Biopsy Samples: Biopsies involve the removal of a small piece of tissue from a specific organ or area of concern. These samples can be obtained through procedures such as needle biopsy, endoscopic biopsy, or surgical biopsy. Biopsies are commonly used to diagnose and study diseases like cancer, infections, and autoimmune disorders.

3. Surgical Human tissue samples: During surgeries, tissues that are surgically removed, like tumors or affected organs, can be preserved for research purposes. These samples enable researchers to study the characteristics of diseases, evaluate treatment responses, and identify potential therapeutic targets.

4. Tumor Samples: Tumor samples, obtained through biopsies or surgical resections, are particularly valuable for cancer research. They allow scientists to analyze the genetic and molecular changes within tumors, determine their aggressiveness, and develop personalized treatment approaches.

5. Skin Samples: Skin biopsies are commonly used to study dermatological conditions and skin-related diseases. These samples help researchers understand the underlying causes of skin disorders, study the effects of treatments, and develop new therapies.

6. Organ and Tissue Donations: Organs and tissues donated for transplantation can also be used for research purposes. These donations provide researchers with valuable insights into organ function, disease processes, and potential treatment options.

7. Fluid Samples: Various bodily fluids, such as urine, saliva, cerebrospinal fluid, and synovial fluid, can also be collected and used for research purposes. These samples can provide information about specific diseases, biomarkers, and treatment responses.

8. Cell Cultures: In some cases, cells can be isolated from human tissue samples and cultured in the laboratory. These cell cultures can be used to study cell behavior, test new drugs, and investigate disease mechanisms.

9. Genetic Samples: Genetic material, such as DNA and RNA, can be extracted from human tissue samples to study genetic variations, gene expression patterns, and disease susceptibility.

10. Post-mortem Samples: Human tissue samples obtained during autopsies can be valuable for research purposes, especially in understanding the causes of death, studying disease progression, and identifying potential genetic or environmental factors.

It is important to note that the collection and use of human tissue samples for medical research must follow ethical guidelines and legal requirements. Informed consent from patients or donors is crucial, and privacy and confidentiality should be maintained to protect the rights and privacy of individuals.

How are human tissue samples stored before testing?

Human tissue samples are stored before testing in a controlled and sterile environment to ensure their integrity and accuracy. The process involves several steps to maintain the quality of the samples.

Firstly, after the tissue sample is collected, it is immediately placed in a sterile container or vial. This container is specifically designed to preserve the sample and prevent any contamination or degradation.

Next, the container is labeled with important information such as the patient’s name, date and time of collection, and a unique identification number. This labeling ensures proper tracking and prevents any mix-ups during storage or testing.

Once labeled, the tissue sample is usually stored in a laboratory or biorepository that is equipped with specialized storage facilities. These facilities are equipped with temperature-controlled environments, such as freezers or liquid nitrogen tanks, to maintain the samples at a specific temperature.

For short-term storage, human tissue samples may be refrigerated at temperatures ranging from 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. This helps to slow down any enzymatic breakdown and microbial growth that could affect the sample quality.

Long-term storage of human tissue samples usually involves freezing them at extremely low temperatures, typically below -80 degrees Celsius or in liquid nitrogen (-196 degrees Celsius). This freezing process helps to preserve the biological material for an extended period, sometimes even for years.

During the storage period, the human tissue samples are often logged into a database system, allowing easy retrieval and tracking. This ensures that samples can be located quickly when needed for further testing or research purposes.

How does the size of a tissue sample impact laboratory results?

The size of a tissue sample can have a significant impact on laboratory results. When conducting tests, laboratories often require a specific amount of tissue to ensure accurate and reliable results.

Firstly, the size of a tissue sample is crucial because it determines the amount of material available for testing. Larger samples provide more cells or molecules, increasing the chances of detecting any abnormality or disease present. This is particularly important in cases where the abnormality might be present only in a small area of the tissue.

Secondly, the size of a tissue sample affects the quality of the results obtained. A larger sample size allows for more representative testing, reducing the likelihood of sampling errors or biases. It ensures that the laboratory can perform various tests, including multiple diagnostic procedures, without exhausting the tissue prematurely.

Moreover, the size of a tissue sample influences the accuracy of measurements and the ability to detect small changes or variations. Some laboratory tests require a minimum amount of tissue to produce reliable results. Insufficient sample size can lead to false negatives or false positives, potentially leading to misdiagnosis or overlooking important health conditions.

Furthermore, the size of a tissue sample affects the laboratory’s ability to perform additional tests or conduct further investigations if necessary. Having an adequate sample size allows for future retesting or analysis, providing flexibility and ensuring comprehensive diagnostic evaluations.

Lastly, the size of a tissue sample can impact the practical aspects of laboratory procedures. In some cases, a smaller sample may be easier to handle, process, and store, which can be convenient for the laboratory staff. On the other hand, larger samples may require special handling or storage considerations, which can add complexity to the laboratory workflow.

In summary, the size of a tissue sample plays a crucial role in laboratory results for diagnostic purposes. It affects the amount of material available for testing, the quality of the results obtained, the accuracy of measurements, the ability to perform additional tests or investigations, and the practical aspects of laboratory procedures. Therefore, it is important for healthcare providers to ensure that an appropriate size of tissue sample is collected and provided to the laboratory for accurate and reliable diagnostic testing.


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